The volume of technology packed into every pair of IQbuds2  MAX is staggering. Building a device with speakers, microphones, Bluetooth transmitters, batteries, and other components is a challenge. Fitting all those required elements into two in-ear earbuds is a monumental challenge.

However, one of the most overlooked variables required for enabling the best possible IQbuds2 MAX experience involves a rather low-tech component: silicone and memory foam earbud tips. With each delivery of IQbuds2 MAX, customers receive a variety of earbud tips in different sizes and shapes. At the time of this post (June of 2020), each box includes 3 pairs of silicone types in various sizes and 3 pairs of Comply memory foam tips in various sizes, for a total of 6 pairs. Taking the time to test different sizes and shapes is critical to achieving an optimal earbud fit.

fitting earbuds for secure fit and better sound

Why Earbud Fit Matters

There are a number of reasons why proper earbud fit matters. To fully experience the sound quality of IQbuds2 MAX, the chosen ear tip should seal the ear canal. A failure to achieve a proper seal may lead to issues such as the following:

  • Less bass
  • A slightly “tinny” or “hollow” sound effect
  • A loose fit and higher risk of earbuds falling out of ears
  • An uncomfortable fit and/or soreness from prolonged wearing of earbuds

IQbuds2 MAX are built for excellent sound. The earbuds use a high performance, wide band balanced armature driver. The frequency response and linearity is excellent, and the acoustic design means you’ll get a fantastic audio experience in a truly wireless form factor. However, as stated above, a failure to achieve a sealed earbud fit can potentially degrade sound quality.

How to Achieve a Proper Fit with IQbuds2 MAX

The following video demonstrates how to ensure a proper earbud fitting with IQbuds2 MAX.

Some of the main takeaways from this video include:

  1. Test as many of the silicone earbud tip sizes and shapes as possible to find the most secure possible earbud fit.
  2. Ensure that the correct earbud is placed in each ear (look for “L” and “R” engravings on interior of each earbud).
  3. Insert IQbuds2 MAX into ear canal in vertical position with tip down and then twist them towards the back of the head to achieve “lock” and complete earbud seal

As demonstrated in the video above, the IQbuds2 MAX should remain securely in the ear canal once properly fitted. Note that even with vigorous shaking of the head, the buds remain in place.

Other Options for Optimal Earbud Fit

Some wearers will struggle more than others to achieve the desired earbud seal. Every human ear is unique, and in some cases (albeit rare), the provided earbud tip sizes may not be sufficient. Additionally, prolonged exposure to sweat during activities such as running or working out may gradually loosen the initial fit of IQbudsTM.

IQbuds2 MAX feature an ergonomic design to fit most ears, with a snug fit. Unlike many other wireless earbuds that can fall out easily as they don’t fill out the concha, Nuheara earbuds have that unique feeling of filling out your ear comfortably. As such, IQbuds2 MAX customers don’t have to go to the extreme measures required by some manufacturers to keep their earbuds from falling out:

Ultimately, IQbuds2 MAX have the capacity to deliver a high-fidelity, one-of-a-kind augmented hearing experience. Taking the time to ensure the best fitting earbuds possible realizes the full potential of this cutting-edge technology.


*This post was originally published in August of 2017. It has been subsequently republished to reflect newer product offerings and information*

June 24th, 2020
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