Nuheara’s IQbudsTM Has Midtown Buzzing at the Metropolitan Pavilion

At CE Week 2016, host Jason Aron of observed a common failure among many products in today’s wireless earbud market. Then he discovered IQbudsTM.

“There’s a lot of what people are calling ‘wireless earbuds,’ but there always seems to be a wire between them. But in this magical black box… there is something quite spectacular.”

Imagine a product that is part assistive listening device, part noise cancelling headset, part Bluetooth earpiece…in two completely wireless earbuds that give you the control to hear what you want to hear in the world around you and fully connected with your Bluetooth devices. Now you can blend your digital streams with the soundscape around you.

That’s Essentially What Nuheara IQbudsTM Do.

Watch the full interview here:

Pre-order now and experience intelligent, augmented hearing like you’ve never imagined possible with our truly wireless earbuds.

*First shipments to early backers through Indiegogo campaign to ship by end of December. Full market launch expected by February or March of 2017.

July 3rd, 2016
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