We believe that everybody should be able to enjoy a social life and that noise shouldn’t impact our ability to interact with loved ones. Focus is our new feature for IQbuds BOOST. Even in loud places, it helps provide a conversation boost by suppressing unwanted noise around you.

During conversations, the pair of microphones in IQbuds BOOST are constantly evaluating noise from all around you. Intelligent software that determines what noise is front-facing and brings it to the forefront while suppressing the rest, enabling you to have clearer conversations with the people you care about.

focus feature for clearer conversation in loud places

IQbuds2 MAX to Hear Better in Loud Places

The new IQbuds² MAX earbuds also include the Focus feature for enhanced directional hearing. Building on the success of IQbuds BOOST, IQbuds2 MAX triple-core DSP system delivers optimal hearing fidelity and reduces occlusion to deliver the most natural enhanced sound ever in a hearing bud. IQbuds2 MAX have a 450MIPS signal processing engine in each earbud, offering an optimal natural sound experience.

This enhanced technology empowers users to control their soundscape, elevate conversations and speech they want to hear, and reduce or block they background noise they don’t want to hear. For individuals who struggle to hear conversations in loud places or suffer anxiety due to noise, Nuheara’s technology represents an affordable new solution.

October 7th, 2019
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