I am so excited that I found the IQbuds here at the CES show. I have a moderate hearing loss, especially at the high end, which is also my wife’s tone of voice so I’ve been on the market for hearing aids for a while. And even for thousands of dollars I can’t find any that will connect to an Android phone they just don’t exist.

So when I came here and I saw these and I tried them– and I’m wearing them right now I can’t even feel that I’m wearing them they’re so light. And I put them on to listen to music, but I just learned that there’s an app that lets you raise the frequency on the high end and they’re behaving just like hearing aids.

I can hear voice and music, and answer phones so I’m delighted for a fraction of the cost I’m going to be able to get these. And they’ll be able to help keep peace at home and I don’t have to get hearing aids now. They’re Awesome.

October 31st, 2017
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